The Corporate Governance bodies of the Development and Investments Corporation of Armenia are:
- The General Meeting of Shareholders
- The Board
- Executive Director
The highest body of corporate governance at the Development and Investments Corporation of Armenia (hereinafter-Organization) is the General Meeting of Shareholders. General governance of the Organization is held by the Board, except those questions that following the law or the charter of the Organization fall within the jurisdiction of the General Meeting of Shareholders. The ongoing governance of the Organization is held by the Executive Director.
The scope of the powers and the relationship between the governing bodies are regulated by legislation of RA, by the requirements of the Central Bank of Armenia and by the Charter of the Organization. Also the best international practices are taken into consideration, drawing attention to the principle of collegiality in making decisions.
The crucial factor of successful Corporate Governance is the strong team that applies the principles of accountability, fairness, transparency and responsibility. By regular staff trainings, corporate events and clarification of the aims and mission the Development and Investments Corporation of Armenia forms the corporate culture. The power of loyal, hard-working and unified team helps the Organization to overcome the possible complexity, achieve the set goals and implement the vision.
For the verification and validation of the financial statements the Organization every year attracts external audit that is not connected with the Organization or its shareholders by property interests.